Game is fast-paced and frantic, and players will need to think on their feet to score the most points. Players can score points by completing certain tasks, such as getting the most drinks, dancing the best, or being life of the party. Aim of the game is to score most points by the end of the night.

Game is played with a deck of cards, which represent the different animals and their party antics. Animals have to party hard to forget their troubles and make the most of their new found freedom in Party Animals for Mac download game. App is set in a world where the animals have taken over and humans are a distant memory.

It’s a game in which players take on the role of characters, trying to make the best of a bad situation. Overall, it’s a great product that is perfect for a group of friends looking for a good time. It has a good amount of replay value, thanks to various game modes and maps. It’s best played with 4 players, but can also be enjoyed with 2 or 3 players. Physics engine creates a unique and chaotic feel to the game, making it feel different from other brawler games on the market.

The Party Animals is a lot of fun for those who enjoy competitive multiplayer games.