18 Added Scoped sight for Stalker Bolter, Missile Launcher and Las Cannon. 17 Added Iron Sights for Plasma Pistol, Plasma Gun, Shotgun, Bolter, Bolt Pistol and Storm Bolter. 16 Changed Grey Knight psiker power Sanctuary(psychic shield) to activate when using the reload key. 15 Fixed Psychic hood becoming disabled after exiting a level. 14 Disabling Bolter trails now also affects the Bolter rounds of allies. 12 Added new weapon powerfist & powersord combo for Dark Angel. 11 Fixed Stalker Bolter scope sight being too low. 9 Changed FriendMarine names of the blood angles chapter to BAFriendMarine, so wen summoning just put BA before FriendMarine(number). 8 The lighting effects from the GK Anointed Blade that have a chance to stick to enemies now deals damage over a small period of time time. 7 Changed Grenade launcher name to Vengeance Launcher and made it behave similar to Space Marine game. 6 Added one more attack for Thunder Hammer's primary fire. 5 Added new alt fire for psilencer and Thunder Hammer.

4 Added Bolter trails and psilecer round trails. for Nemesis Halberd and AnointedBlade in their alt fires.

3 Made powered up mode for Psyker powers of Grey Knight(activated when obtaining psychichood) and added psychic attaks. 2 Replaced GKPlasmaCannon and GKPlasmagun with PsykerCharge(ammo) and PsychicHood. Changes: 1 Added StalkerBolter for Blood Angel, Blood Hound, Ultra Marine and Black Templar.